
Support for learning and spiritual development

Safeer Academy is always committed to provide its pupils with the best learning facilities and experiences. They will be always attended by their learning mentors and experienced teachers. We will ensure that enough resources are available and accessible to our pupils to make their living on campus fun and safe.
A special focus will be given on inculcate sprituallity among Academy’s pupils through ‘Suhbah Programme’ (companionship) with religious mentors and scholars, benefitting from prophetic tradition and tradition of his righteous predecessors.
Tahajjud prayers and other night-vigil programmes will be arranged for all residential pupils, and other non-residentail pupils- subject to pre-arrangements with the residential provost. Some selected parents and staff may also join these spriritual programmes, which will be led by our own scholars or external scholars.
Bespoke interventions are made to meet individual pupil’s needs and to overcome difficulties, gain confidence and learn skills. We offer one-to-one learing support (coaching and lessons) to develop different learning skills, revision and learning strategies, and even beautiful handwriting. Through structured ‘Learning Buddies Programme (LBP)’ we facilitate group activities featuring study skills, exam techniques and effective reading strategies.