

Safeer Teachers perticipated BELTA teacher training workshop at Premier University

Safeer Teachers perticipated BELTA teacher training workshop at Premier University

“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”
― Abigail Adams As a part of an international education project titled ReMaLIC (Reaching out to Marginalized Populations in Low-income countries), BELTA Chittagong South organized ???? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (????????), ???????? ????:???????? ???????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????.
40 Secondary Level teachers from rural /remote schools and madrasahs from the rural and city areas attended the program.
The following sessions were facilitated in the program:
i) Dissemination of Research Findings; Exploring and Utilizing Digital Resources by Dr. Kh Atikur Rahman , Assistant Professor, Department of English, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University.
ii) Merging Gender Issues in Language Education by Md. Mohib Ullah, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ELL, International Islamic University Chittagong.
iii) Technology in Teaching Writing by Mr. Sadat Zaman Khan ( Khan Sadat ), Associate Professor and Chair, Department of English Language and Literature, Premier University.
All participants received certificates after the program. (Courtesy: Md Mohib Ulaah Sir) On behalf of Safeer Academy Ustada Mashreka, Ustada khusbu, Ustada Ishrat, Ustada Fatima and Ustada Suchi have participated in the workshop for sharing the acquired knowledge with all other teachers of Safeer Academy and improve our teaching quality in shaa Allah. Special thanks to Md. Mohib Ullah, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ELL, International Islamic University Chittagong, for organizing such workshop and making the way of learning easy to the teachers of Safeer Academy.

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